It's Not All About The Gear

Sometimes I'm conflicted between taking pictures with my SLR or using my cell phone camera. During this trip, I was very tempted to leave my SLR at the hotel as it can be a nuisance to lug around, never mind wanting to change lenses along the way. I knew that I would regret leaving it behind so I took both. Cell phone cameras definitely have their advantages such as being inconspicuous, quick and gives credence to the idea that " it's not all about the gear ". So, here are some shots from my phone that I wanted to include: Jericho Beach Love Your Beans Charleson Park Duty Sunset Beach Petal Power Vanier Park Green Space Calgary Airport Laughter is the Best Medicine English Bay <3 Sunset Beach Selfie Fluevog Words On Windows Gastown Life is like a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you must keep moving. Stanley Park Keep Looking Up Lynn Canyon Park 217.5 Arc X 13 Bernar Venet "The name...